When traditional systems and ways of thinking just aren't working.

Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.)

Are consultations free?

Yes - 1 Free and confidential 30-minute consultation. I feel introductions and getting a sense of each other would be beneficial in deciding if we are a good fit for each other in regards to what is best for your family. I will always be transparent and honest with you and your family. 

Guidelines set by HIPPA are taken seriously. These guidelines are essential to me to the work and in creating an emotionally safe space.

Do we have to have a therapist already?

I feel the bigger the support network, the better. It is importnat to notw that I do not take the place of a therapist. If your teen does not have a therapist at this time, I will assist in finding one that suits the client’s needs and comfortability if you do not have one already with a healthy rapport.

Why Therapist involvement?

I do not take the place of a therapist, though building a healthy support system that includes individuals and professionals with the client’s best interests, safety, and mental health in mind are essential.

What is the difference between a Therapist, a Life Coach, and a Mentor?

Simply stated, a therapist works with the past, Life Coaches work with the future and tells you what to do. Mentor assists in helping navigate one’s own path to future success.

How often are sessions?

To build an essential, vital, therapeutic relationship, I suggest starting with weekly sessions at the least. With both the Snow-Ball and Pheonix packages, unlimited sessions upon availability is an option.

Building a therapeutic relationship is hindered and difficult to establish when sessions are less frequent in conjunction with the occasional cancelation.

As progress is made, we can discuss the transition to every other week and decrease session frequency to promote independence. 

What Protocols are you taking during Covid-19?

These are trying times indeed. You and the safety and health of your family are important to me. 

I take Covid-19 very seriously as I have loved ones that I have in my heart and wish for their health and safety. 

These protocols will include:

- Social distancing with clients after temp and symptom checks outside during our sessions with masks while sanitizing hands and all surfaces

- Only transporting clients when necessary and wearing masks, rolling all windows down, and sanitizing surfaces and hands before and after.

-Temperatures are taken daily for myself and clients 

-Opt to utilize virtual appointments if any client or staff report illness and require COVID 19 testing to resume in-person services should that need arise.

I take the transmission of Covid 19 seriously and avoid the "three C's". Should you have any more questions or would like to learn more, please feel free to reach out to me.

In person hangs during the warmer months

In an in-person hang-out session, both client and mentor are required to wear masks at all times while exercising a distance of at least 6 feet. Let's discuss what we are all comfortable with! I am open to ideas that cater to the health, safety, and life skill/outdoor fun and hangs.

Winter Sessions and hangs during Covid-19

These times have also called for intellectual creativity. As of right now, sessions are held virtually for winter. I can still fully provide a host of activities and life skill exercises through virtual hangs. Once warmer weather arrives, we can discuss what you and your family are comfortable with. This way, we can continue exemplifying and implementing life skills comfortably and safely for all of us.

Privacy During Virtual Sessions

Safe space is essential. I encourage you and your teen to explore and find a comfortable spot that is private and feels right for you. These may include your room, outside when feasible, or your car, all of which can afford you some comfort and privacy. 

Support During Emergencies

I can support according to our agreements though I do not operate an emergency practice. I have supplied links to extra emergency support. In the event of a crisis or medical emergency, please call 911 for help or go directly to your local hospital emergency room. 

What communities do you serve?

LGBTQ, Latino, Hispanic, and Minority  communities and any who view themselves as outsiders.

What makes you equipped to do this work?

I bring 17 + years of experiential knowledge to the forefront and my willingness to find paths to navigate my struggle with A.S.D., Depression, O.D.D., and A.D.H.D. I am engaging with a heart that extends empathy and understanding. Opening such a nature, an ear for creative problem solving, and bringing creativity and presence with laser focus to support those in need is what I found I do best. I know my value, know what I am capable of, and know what I do best.

Why are you passionate / invested in this work?

I have been working with youth ever since I can remember to provide someone they can relate to, confide in, trust and count on that wasn't a parental figure. I feel that is what I dearly needed when I was younger. Those needs included understanding, compassion, and truth above all.

I needed someone to be present and patient with me. I offer that need and presence. I fill that gap with a relateable therapeutic relationship to help youth see past the dark and dismal paths and instill tools, strategies, and messages that can be received impacting effective positive change in such a therapeutic relationship. 

How are parents involved?

I feel fostering a good relationship with caretakers and loved ones is essential in creating and expanding a loving support network. I will ask that you participate in sessions every so often. I will take steps that include updates in promoting the accomplishment of goals. Ideally, active roles on all sides and discussion on what can be done to improve home life and relationships between teens and parents will be encouraged.

Are you certified?

I always strive to soak in perspectives. I improve myself and my work and am still open to such. There is no governing official governing accreditation body in this field. Anyone who tells you otherwise has not done their research or is looking to make a quick buck.

While 16-100 hour or 6 months or even 2 years “Life Coach” Program Certification teaches theory and MAY involve a certain amount of hours required with a person in need to become an experienced Life coach, it does not fulfill the main need of authentic connection and understanding of how it feels to struggle with chemical imbalances and with the youth that I specialize in.